Kids Running

Think about experience, not just timing

In this cutthroat competitive world, we are always pushed to complete things before the deadline. We are competing with colleagues to get that promotion, racing against fellow drivers on road to reach the destination faster. This pressure has impacted our peace of mind adversely and we often don’t realize this. 
Posted  on May 18, 2021 0

When going gets tough, then?

When we start to learn something new, we need to commit some time and energy to learn it. Many times, it requires us to devote time every day. As humans we get so intimidated by contemplating about bottlenecks that we don’t even get started. When we muster some courage to
Posted  on May 16, 2021 0

COVID Warriors

In 2018, my sister Rashmi underwent treatment for cancer at AIIMS Delhi. She went to the hospital twice a week, underwent chemotherapy and many more side effects of treatment. During that time, I visited AIIMS 10 to 12 times within a month and the scenes were gruesome. A 5-year-old boy
Posted  on May 9, 2021 0