Category: Uncategorized

Small is beautiful

2019 was a fantastic year for me in terms of running. Eleven half marathons, two full marathons and one Ultra marathon gave lot of high throughout the year.

In the beginning of 2020, I was looking forward to more action-packed year. But Covid19 ensured that 2020 became one of the forgettable years for all.

Running outside was largely restricted for most part of the year. So long runs were largely out of question. So, I focused on smaller distances to keep up the fitness level both physically as well as mentally.

The below picture shows the number of runs that I did in 2019 and 2020. If you look at the pyramid, the smaller runs hold the base of the structure. I haven’t even included many 1km, 2km, 3km and 4km runs that I did. These short runs provide the foundation for longer runs. Key is the consistency in effort.

If you want to start running this year, go slow but steady.

Start your fitness journey from today. Share you experience with you family, friends and colleagues as you start to feel better every day.

So, what are you waiting for! Pick up yourself out of bed and enjoy a glorious run in the morning.

Remember – If you want to run Marathon, take one step at a time.

PC: Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Think about experience, not just timing

In this cutthroat competitive world, we are always pushed to complete things before deadline. We’re competing with colleagues to get that promotion, racing against fellow drivers on road to reach the destination faster. This pressure has impacted our peace of mind adversely and we often don’t realize that.

Many people take up running and the pressure to finish the run faster creeps into their mind. They go to practice run and they try to outrun their partner.

You ask few runners, “How was your run today?”. They would most likely to respond saying they finished in certain amount of time. Now it’s not wrong to express it in such a way, but it limits the experience.

Remember that if you want to treat running as your hobby, make it enjoyable and not a pressure game.


You are more Powerful than you think

If you are a book lover, you must read “Connected”. The authors of this book beautifully describe the influence of individuals on their social network. 

When you share a positive news, it spreads through three levels of relationship. E.g. when you tell good news to your friend, he/she shares it with his/her friends and those friends’ share it with their friends. So, the information spreads through three levels at ease. Beyond that level, the impact fades away rapidly making no further impact. 

Same holds true for negative news as well. That’s the reason you may feel happy or sad, when your social network goes through similar emotions. 

When you wake up in the morning and take a glance at the newspaper, there are more chances that you would experience sadness or helplessness (although temporarily) than happiness.

You are more powerful in your social circle than any well known celebrity. 

So, the world where negativity spreads quickly, have faith on yourself. Believe that you can make a difference and impact lot more people than you can ever imagine. 


PC: Peggy Anke from Pexels