Hema Vinod, a mother of two has played different roles during her long career spanning over three decades.

She started her career as a teacher in India. Her commitment to the cause of education led her to work extensively with children in countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Somalia and Iraq.

As International Education Specialist she was associated for 2 years with UNHCR and 15 years with UNICEF, closely working with refugees, internally displaced and disenfranchised communities.

On the onset of COVID-19, Hema returned to India in Mar 2020. She developed a liking for writing to find some solace when the world was reeling under the pandemic. As a first-time writer, she soon realized that her interest lies in writing about adolescents. This thought guided her writing and was enhanced by her rich experience in the education and coaching field.

“I feel lucky to have worked with children all through my career,” she says with a smile.

The year and half long journey of writing culminated with the release of her first book “Parenteening Made Simple” in Dec 2021 which went on to become an Amazon Best Seller. It is a well-researched book that outlines the principles of parenting teenagers.

Although her first book did very well, she did not think of resting on laurels and immediately started working on her second book. She kept thinking of the girls she had interacted with and the challenges they faced. Her second book, ‘Girl, Empower Yourself’ took a year to complete and was released in Nov 2022. This book is a compilation of 7 questions that act as a guide for any girl seeking to get a practical approach to lead a happy and purpose-driven life.

Her third book “ABC of Parenting” has just been released. This book discusses the critical aspects of the emotional and mental health of children. It also outlines the parenting pillars which guide parents to be reflective and assist them in their daily parenting including teaching life skills and values.

Hema believes that parenting adolescents needs us to invest our efforts earlier when the children are younger. The book is therefore a guide not just for parents of adolescents but parents of preadolescents in preparation for the adolescent years.

Hema’s passion for supporting children is the reason behind her writing. Her interest in promoting happy and healthy adolescents has helped her to focus on writing every day. “It doesn’t feel like work at all,” she adds.

She has garnered more than 10,000 followers on various social media platforms in just two years. As a parenting coach, she wishes to spread her message to thousands of people through her books and blogs.

This reminded me of a quote by Mark Twain. “The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.”

You can find more such inspiring stories on my social media pages.


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